Wisconsin Governor Signs Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact into Law; AAE Advocates for Nationwide Ratification
Last week, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers signed into law a bill that would enact the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact in Wisconsin – making it the fourth state to enact the Compact. The Compact would allow dentists licensed in a participating state the flexibility to practice in another participating state – reducing barriers to licensure and access to care. The Compact needs to be enacted in seven states before it is ratified, but the Compact is widely popular this legislative year by lawmakers and is expected to reach that benchmark this year.
The AAE played a pivotal role in advocating for the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact in Wisconsin. The Association demonstrated early support for the bill in the Wisconsin State Assembly, and upon its passage urged the Governor to immediately sign the bill into law to address ongoing dental workforce issues in the state.
Building on this early success, the AAE is aggressively advocating for the Compact in ten other states where model legislation has been introduced. AAE has pledged its support for the enactment of the Compact in Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. The Compact is already receiving committee consideration in Colorado, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, and legislation in Ohio and Pennsylvania already passed one Chamber. The Association has endorsed the Compact and model legislation developed by the National Center for Interstate Compacts and plans to advocate for its introduction in other state legislatures this year.
State-by-State Advocacy Efforts:
- AAE Letter to Bill Sponsors in Support of SB 24-010
- AAE Letter to Senate Health & Human Services Committee in Support of SB 24-010 before February 8 Hearing
- AAE Letter to Bill Sponsor in Support of LD 2137
- AAE Letter to the Committee on Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services in Support of LD 2137 before February 6 Hearing