Spotlighting IFEA’s Jean-Marie Laurichesse Research Award
The most important role of the International Federation of Endodontic Association (IFEA)’s Research Committee is to administer the Federation’s Research Award, known as the “I.F.E.A. – Jean-Marie Laurichesse Research Award”.
IFEA established a Research Award in 1993. It was subsequently named the I.F.E.A. – Jean-Marie Laurichesse Research Award in memory of a Past President of IFEA, Dr. Jean-Marie Laurichesse of France.
Amount of the Award
This award provides an annual grant of up to $6,000 in total to support a research project or projects in Endodontics.
The IFEA Board of Directors may vary the amount of funds available for this award from time to time.
The award may be granted in total to one applicant, or it may be distributed amongst more than one applicant.
Objectives of the Award
The objectives of the award are to:
1. Stimulate and promote research in the field of endodontics among investigators worldwide.
2. Establish and/or strengthen professional and research collaboration amongst IFEA investigators.
3. Disseminate internationally the excelling research activity of IFEA members.
The award is available to successful applicant(s) who are current members or student members of a financial (dues fully paid) member association of IFEA, and must remain so during the course of the period of the granted award. The full Award guidelines and conditions can be found on