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AAE Communique Logo

The Communiqué is distributed monthly via email to AAE members and supporters.

Its mission is to promote communication among AAE members, leaders of the AAE, ABE and AAE Foundation, and AAE affiliate organizations; encourage coordinated activities; inform the membership of developments in the endodontic specialty and dental profession; and raise awareness of AAE events, products and services.

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Latest Communiqué News

Inaugural AAE Leadership Development Program Navigates Challenges and Charts a Course for Our Future

The inaugural AAE Leadership Development Program was held in Chicago March 3-4. The program provided 14 emerging leaders with opportunities to gain new insights into what it takes to effectively lead an organization, sharpen communication skills to promote endodontics in their communities, explore the various leadership paths in the AAE and discuss issues facing the specialty with the AAE Board of Directors.

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Foundation Volunteers Tell a New Story

Passionate volunteers representing the Foundation for Endodontics have spent time and energy educating endodontists about the vision the organization strives for and the vehicles used to achieve it for several years.

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Updates from Washington, D.C.

You might not know it from the headlines, but the day-to-day work of the new Congress is well underway. The ADA is busy on behalf of dentists, with the support of the AAE and other dental specialties who participate in the Organized Dentistry Coalition. The AAE has joined the ADA in several correspondence with representatives in Washington.

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Root Canal Awareness Week Moves to May

After 10 years, Root Canal Awareness Week is moving to the second week of May. This year’s event will be May 7-13. The change was made to avoid conflicts with spring holidays, school breaks and the AAE’s annual meeting. Now, members will be able to visit with referring dentists during Root Canal Awareness Week and share the latest information and new technologies they learned and saw during the Association’s meeting!

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Navigating Crazy Cases

In its first month, several hundred AAE members have visited the AAE’s new online community, AAE Connection. One goal the Association has in creating the space is for members to share case reports and clinical experiences.

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President’s Message: AAE Connection is Now Live

I am pleased to announce the launch one of the most powerful member benefits in AAE history, AAE Connection. AAE Connection is your endodontic community and opportunity to connect with thousands of endodontic professionals representing the specialty all around the world.

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