Logo Usage & Guidelines
The AAE logo reflects a promise of excellence, integrity and professionalism. This powerful member benefit gives you visibility and recognition, and shows that you are part of a professional community with high standards. Precision and consistency when using AAE logos are critical to success.
General Rules
Physical Modifications
The logos of the AAE are the exclusive property of the AAE. Any use or reproduction in a manner that does not conform to that described below is prohibited. Unauthorized use of the logo may result in legal action. The AAE logo must be used in its entirety; not be altered in any way (including proportion, color, element, type); and never tilted, skewed, expanded, condensed or placed inside a shape.
The AAE restricts the use of its logos in the following instances:
- By a dental professional in any circumstance(s) that would imply or suggest to the public that the dentist is a member in good standing of the AAE when that is not the case.
- On stationery or websites that contain otherwise unethical or illegal representations of the character of the practice. A member’s stationary or website bearing the AAE logo may only be used in conjunction with the professional practice of endodontics.
- In conjunction with social gatherings, continuing education and any other event that is not officially sponsored by the AAE. (Note: This does not prevent the use of a member’s stationery to promote or organize an activity of the AAE, of an AAE affiliate association or of related entities, such as the American Board of Endodontics or the American Association of Endodontists Foundation.)
- The logo may not be used on patient education materials or publications developed.
Individual Membership Logos and Guidelines
Each year, the AAE distributes Specialist Member logos exclusively to Active, FDHS, Educator, Life, Retired and International members in good standing. Permission to use these logos ceases immediately when membership is terminated for any reason.
We recommend you use the personalized logo version whenever possible for timely professional marketing or awareness purposes including the following:

- Website
- Email signature
- Presentations
- Acknowledgment of awards
- Annual promotional pieces
- Advertisements
- Billing statements
- Referral slips
- Appointment cards
- Curriculum vitae
- Biography
- Directory listings

The generic logo can be used on stationery, business cards or collateral that will be used over multiple years. This version can also be used to represent multiple endodontists at a practice, however we do recommend using the personalized logo version whenever possible to help patients and professionals quickly spot the specialty affiliation of each individual doctor.
Logo Use on Social Media
Members and their practices can help build awareness for the AAE and the endodontic specialty through use of social media. Make sure to follow AAE on all social channels, share relevant posts to your individual or practice pages, and follow the instructions below to utilize the generic or personalized membership logos.
District and Affiliate Logos and Guidelines
The AAE has created logos for the AAE Districts and Affiliate organizations to resemble the sample for exclusive use by AAE District Directors or officers of recognized Affiliate organizations, or others who have been appointed by them to carry out official business. We encourage that all collateral and communications be submitted for review prior to production or release to approve proper logo usage. Please contact communications@aae.org with questions, to have materials reviewed or to request an additional logo format.