Lead Opportunities
The most involved level, serve as a leader in the endodontic community through a variety of AAE committees and boards.
Who Can Participate
By invitation/appointment, determined by AMPC.
Participate directly in planning education for the AAE Annual Meeting, the largest endodontic continuing education event. Track organizers are rewarded with complimentary registration for the meeting and recognized in the online meeting program.
How to Participate
By invitation/appointment, determined by AMPC. For Questions contact Meeting Services Coordinator at
drejowski@aae.org or meetings@aae.org.
Time Commitment
One in person meeting in January or February on a Saturday for a full day (arrivals on a Friday) at AAE HQ. 2-3 Conference calls (usually in the evening) for planning year cycle (10-12 months). Correspondence with speakers and Program Chair and Vice Chair (2 hours per month). Review of speaker proposals and recommendations for Track (2-4 hours). Moderate sessions or recommend moderators for sessions in track (2-4 hours).
Committee Members
Who Can Participate
Volunteer or be nominated. By appointment of President-Elect and approval by BOD.
Contribute to the AAE’s governance process by lending your expertise on one of AAE’s 17 standing committees or various special committees. AAE committees are at the core of all member services. Standing Committee members serve three-year terms, special committee terms are one year in length.
How to Participate
Volunteer and/or ask your colleagues to nominate you via the AAE’s online form. Nominations are accepted each fall; Standing Committee appointments are finalized the following spring, prior to the Annual Meeting. Special Committee appointments are made throughout the year. Apply online or email Katherine Rouse, krouse@aae.org.
Time Commitment
Hours to days. Time varies by committee. Some committees meet in person for one-two days, 1-2 times per year. Others by evening conference calls, one hour on average, 1-5 times per year. Between-meetings electronic correspondence, 1 hour per month.
Committee Chairs
Who Can Participate
Appointed by Pres-elect from membership of committee
Get experience serving on an AAE committee – be an active participant and learn how committees work.
How to Participate
After you’ve gained some experience with process and subject matter, express your interest in leading the committee as chair. Contact Katherine Rouse with questions krouse@aae.org.
Time Commitment
Hours to days. Time varies by committee. Some committees meet in person for one-two days, 1-2 times per year. Others by evening conference calls, one hour on average, 1-5 times per year. Between-meetings electronic correspondence, 1 hour per month.
Who Can Participate
AAE member with a demonstrated interest in political engagement. Appointed by President.
Attend two in-person ADPAC meetings per year; attend ADA Lobby Day event. Report back through Communique articles. Participate as non-voting member to the AAE’s Practice Affairs Committee. This is a great way to get hands on exposure to campaign financing, political process and key issues impacting dentistry.
How to Participate
Appointed by President. Contact AAE with questions at practice@aae.org.
Time Commitment
Travel approximately 4 times per year for 2 days at a time. Participate in electronic discussion or conference calls, approximately 1 hour per month.
ADA Code Maintenance
Who Can Participate
AAE member with demonstrated interest and understanding of CDT and insurer payment practices; diplomatic.
Represent the AAE at annual CMC meeting. In that capacity, review proposed code revisions, additions and deletions; identify those relevant to AAE and bring to the AAE’s Practice Affairs Committee. Advocate for code changes proposed by AAE. Liaison with dental specialties and insurers as part of that activity. CDT and payment policy is a critical aspect of running a practice. This is a very high-visibility position representing AAE to stakeholders on these issues.
How to Participate
Appointed by President. Contact AAE with questions at practice@aae.org.
Time Commitment
Travel approximately 3-4 times per year for 2 days at a time. Participate in electronic discussion or conference calls, approximately 1 hour per month.
ADA Standards Committee on Dental Informatics and ADA SNODENT Maintenance Committee
Who Can Participate
Demonstrated interest in dental informatics and taking a deep dive into topic.
Represent the AAE at two committee meetings a year. Have a seat at the table with a broad array of stakeholders in discussions on the cutting edge of dental informatics.
How to Participate
Appointed by President. Contact AAE with questions at practice@aae.org.
Time Commitment
Travel twice per year for 3 days at a time.
Standards Committee on Dental Products
Who Can Participate
Demonstrated interest in standards development.
Represent the AAE at two committee meetings a year. Have a seat at the table with a broad array of stakeholders in discussions on standards development.
How to Participate
Appointed by President. Contact AAE with questions at practice@aae.org.
CODA Commissioner
Who Can Participate
Current or previous experience as an endodontic educator.
The CODA Commissioner serves a 4-year term as member of the CODA and chair the Review Committee on Endodontics Education (ERC). 2 meetings/year. This opportunity offers direct input into predoctoral and advanced education in endodontics.
How to Participate
Appointed by AAE President with Board approval. Contact AAE with questions at practice@aae.org.
Time Commitment
Attend a 4 meetings per year, 2 days each.
CODA Endo Review Committee Member
Who Can Participate
Active involvement in a dental or dental-related accredited program as a full- or part-time faculty member. Prior or current experience as a Commission site visitor.
4-year term as member of the Review Committee on Endodontics Education (ERC). Responsible for the review of all policy matters, site visit reports, progress reports, applications for accreditation and special reports on accredited programs related to their particular discipline. This position provides the opportunity for direct input into endodontic advanced education.
How to Participate
Appointed by AAE President with Board approval. Contact AAE with questions at practice@aae.org.
Time Commitment
Attend 2 meetings per year, 1-2 days each.
Who Can Participate
Educator or practitioner familiar with AAE continuing education activities.
This individual serves a 4 -year term and represents endodontics for decisions regarding CE standards. This position offers involvement in the process of ensuring quality CE.
How to Participate
Appointed by AAE President with Board approval. Contact Nikki Hoffman with questions at nhoffman@aae.org.
Time Commitment
Travel twice per year for 3 days at a time.
ADEA COHAEP House of Delegates Endodontic Rep
Who Can Participate
Educator who can represent endodontic advanced education programs.
Serve as the AAE's voice in larger dental education initiatives. Attend ADEA Annual Meeting in March and attend events for advanced education and Fall meetings. Participate in sessions/caucus and discussions. Vote as delegate at ADEA Annual Meeting. Serve as a member of the AAE Educational Affairs Committee.
How to Participate
Appointed by AAE President with Board approval. Contact AAE with questions at practice@aae.org.
Time Commitment
Travel to two ADEA meetings, 2-4 days each, and one AAE committee meeting, 2 days.
Who Can Participate
Nominated by District Caucus Nominating Committee. Elected by the voting members of the District if more than one nominee is presented. District Directors have often served on an AAE committee or have been involved with other volunteer opportunities listed on this page, although this is not required.
Serve a three-year term as one of two Directors for your geographical District on the AAE Board of Directors. The AAE Board meets twice per year. The Board makes policy decisions and sets the strategic direction for the organization. Board members have the satisfaction of participating in critical conversations and making decisions that guide the specialty forward. Those who haven’t served on Boards in the past will grow professionally and learn about all aspects of governing an association. In addition to professional growth, Board members develop longstanding friendships with colleagues for years to come.
How to Participate
Gain some experience in AAE governance by serving on a committee or in other volunteer/leadership capacities with the AAE’s national organization or at the state Affiliate level. If you are interested in being considered as a District Director, the most important thing you can do is to attend your District Caucus meeting at the Annual Meeting and express an interest in volunteering and learn about that District’s Nominations process.
Time Commitment
Time: attend the AAE annual Meeting (1 week), Interim BOD Meeting (2 days), participate in calls and electronic correspondence (1-2 hours per month).
(President, President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Immediate Past President)
Who Can Participate
The AAE Nominating Committee proposes a slate of nominees for AAE Officer positions, to be approved by the General Assembly. Nominees typically have experience on committees and/or the AAE, Foundation, or ABE Boards. Criteria considered by the Nominating Committee include:
- Understanding of AAE’s core values, vision, and mission
- Board Certification
- Prior involvement in the AAE or other related organization
- Service in a similar position in another organization
- Involvement in academics and knowledge of endodontic education issues
- Financial/budgetary knowledge
- Demonstrated leadership ability
- Consensus-builder; ability to work well within a group
- Knowledge of parliamentary procedure
- Ability to travel
- Technologically savvy
- Prompt and accessible
- Candidates must understand that as one approaches the office of president, the level of responsibility culminates in complete, full-time commitment to the AAE
Serve on the AAE Board and Executive Committee. Executive Committee service includes attendance at two BOD meetings, as well as an annual Executive Committee retreat. In addition, officers are asked to attend various other endodontic and dental meetings. In addition to the benefits of Board membership, Executive Committee members are intricately involved with the day to day activities of the association, and make decisions as needed in between Board meetings. Executive Board members have a great insight into the issues facing the specialty and are involved with setting priorities for the organization via the Board. Officers represent the AAE at meetings of other endodontic and dental organizations, domestically and internationally.
How to Participate
Nominations are collected each summer and the Nominating Committee selects its slate of nominees in the fall. Express your interest in serving at this level to a colleague who is or has been involved with the AAE, Foundation, or ABE Board, and request to be nominated by them. Contact Katherine Rouse with questions: Krouse@aae.org.
Time Commitment
Attend the AAE annual Meeting (1 week), Interim BOD Meeting (2 days), participate in calls (1-2 hours per month) and electronic correspondence (1-3 hours per month)
REACH (Foundation's Resident Expert Advisory Council)
Who Can Participate
First year endodontic residents with demonstrated leadership and involvement at graduate program. Communication skills, ability to articulate, think innovatively, and work with others on a committee. Full list of criteria and role of REACH members online.
Seven residents serve one- or two-year terms on the council (depending on the length of their residency program), which is aimed at helping the Foundation understand how it can better serve and engage a new generation of endodontists. Learn about organized dentistry and develop your potential to become a future leader. Have direct input to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees; advocate for your fellow endodontic residents. Opportunity to attend Foundation Board of Trustee meeting.
How to Participate
Interested candidates may self-nominated. The Foundation will conduct online interviews following the application deadline. Nominations are due annually on November 1. Questions concerning the program or nomination process can be directed to foundation@aae.org.
Time Commitment
Throughout the remaining length of the resident’s post-graduate program (1-2years).
Foundation Committee Members
Who Can Participate
Select Board and other AAE members with leadership and Foundation experience/dedication.
Have a direct relationship to funds raised and funds distributed by the Foundation by serving on a committee. The Foundation has a variety of committees. Though most committee members are also Trustees, there are some non-Trustees on each committee.
How to Participate
Contact foundation@aae.org to learn more.
Time Commitment
1-4 conference calls per year, approximately 1 hour each. Potential travel for a 1-day meeting.
Foundation Trustees
Who Can Participate
Foundation Nominating Committee recommends Trustees to the AAE Nominating Committee. Nominees are approved by the General Assembly.
Foundation criteria include:
- Proven leadership ability
- Understanding of philanthropy and experience participating in fundraising campaigns.
- Experience in grant-making for educational and research purposes.
- Demonstrated interest in volunteer activities and willingness to serve the Foundation for a minimum of four years.
Serve a four-year term as a trustee, a one-year term as a public-sector trustee (corporate representative), or a two-year term as a new practitioner trustee. The Foundation Board meets twice annually. The Board makes fundraising and funding decisions and sets the strategic direction for the organization. Trustees have the satisfaction of participating in critical conversations and making decisions that guide the Foundation forward. Those who haven’t served on Boards in the past will grow professionally and learn about all aspects of governing a foundation. In addition to professional growth, Trustees develop longstanding friendships with colleagues for years to come.
How to Participate
For more information on the process, contact foundation@aae.org before the August 1 call for nominations.
Time Commitment
Travel to 2 meetings, 2 days each. Participate in calls and electronic correspondence (1-4 hours per month)
Foundation Officers
(President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer)
Who Can Participate
Call for Nominations is conducted by the Foundation Nominating Committee in late fall. Nominations for officer positions are made by sitting trustees. The Foundation Board elects its own officers. To be nominated to the President-elect position, nominee must have completed at least one four-year term as a Trustee. The President-elect serves a two-year term and succeeds to the position of president for a second two-year term. Treasurer and Secretary are both one-year terms and are nominated by sitting trustees from the next year’s slate of trustees.
Serve on the Foundation Board and Executive Committee. Executive Committee service includes attendance at two Board of Trustees meetings. Officers are asked to attend various other endodontic and dental meetings and participate in Executive Committee conference calls as needed. In addition to the benefits of Board membership, Executive Committee members are intricately involved with the day-to-day activities of the Foundation, and make decisions as needed in between Board meetings. Executive Committee members have a great insight into the issues facing the specialty and are involved with setting priorities for the organization via the Board.
How to Participate
Gain leadership experience as outlined in criteria. Nominations are collected each fall from sitting trustees. Contact foundation@aae.org with questions.
Time Commitment
Foundation Trustee – 4 year term; Foundation Public Sector Trustee – 1-year term (eligible for three terms); Foundation New Practitioner Trustee – 2-year term (eligible for two terms) Foundation President – 2-year term; Foundation President-elect – 2-year term; Foundation Secretary – 1-year term; Foundation Treasurer – 1-year term
Who Can Participate
Diplomate status is required. Call for nominations and consideration of candidates’ qualifications is conducted by the ABE.
Serve on the ABE Board and take part in developing and evaluating examinations. The ABE is the only certifying board for the specialty of endodontics, and its purpose is to assure the public that the endodontists it certifies have demonstrated exceptional knowledge, skill and expertise in the specialty of endodontics, as well as progressively raising the quality of patient care. ABE Board members have a direct impact on the process by which individuals achieve the pinnacle of their careers through board certification.
How to Participate
Diplomates may self-nominate for a Director position on the ABE. Information available online here.
Time Commitment
This opportunity requires considerable time commitment in terms of travel, correspondence, and review of materials. Details available online here.