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CE Credit FAQs

The AAE is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider, a recognized provider in California (#2030) and Florida (#PP0049). Programs of the AAE (#214682) are accepted by AGD for Fellowship/Mastership credit. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition at

How many CE credit hours do I need?

Requirements for continuing education vary by state. Refer to the ADA's list of Continuing Education Requirements for Dentists and Auxiliaries for more information.

Each year, the AAE holds an annual meeting in the spring, which is the largest endodontic meeting in the world with more than 3,500 attendees and an exhibit hall of 100+ vendors. There is also an Insight Track meeting series, which combines half-day educational sessions covering various aspects of one topic with afternoons free to explore the location. For a full list of upcoming events from both the AAE and other dental organizations, view the Events Calendar.

How can I get CE quickly?

The AAE offers an online CE subscription service, Endo On Demand, where you can earn CE by viewing sessions on all of your favorite endodontic topics, or by reading past ENDODONTICS: Colleagues for Excellence newsletters and JOE articles. Simply take a short CE test and print your verification letter.

I attended an AAE meeting but didn’t enter my CE online, can I still get credit?

Yes. The CE site closes two weeks after any meeting but you can still get credit by emailing the meeting name, session numbers and CE verification numbers that were given out on site to

How long after an AAE meeting will I receive my CE transcript?

Attendees can instantly print their CE transcripts after entering the CE verification codes and taking a brief evaluation. Even after the CE submission site closes, attendees can log in to retrieve their CE transcripts.

How can I print a CE transcript?

Please email to receive a copy of your verification letter.

How can I correct an error on my CE transcript?

Contact AAE staff at to correct any errors on your transcript.