AAE Piles on the Media Moments, Most Recently Featured on NBC5 Chicago and in People Magazine
The AAE has enjoyed a series of high-profile media hits, including two instances of being included in major titles, and a major influencer collaboration. Most recently, AAE President Dr. Natasha…
Read MoreAAE Shares New Influencer Collaboration and High-Profile Media Interviews and Pickups
The AAE has enjoyed a series of high-profile media hits, including two instances of being included in major titles, and a major influencer collaboration. Recently, AAE President Dr. Natasha M.…
Read MoreGet to Know the 2024 Class of SYTM Social Media Endofluencers
The AAE is thrilled to announce our 10 Save Your Tooth Month Social Media Endofluencers of 2024! These Instagram accounts went above and beyond this past May in celebration of…
Read MoreQ&A: Influencer Natalie Rose on AAE Collab, Having “A Million Jobs”
In case you missed it, we recently collaborated with mega TikTok influencer, Natalie Rose, to create a video in her signature style: “Clearly she’s a…[insert job title].” In these videos, Natalie…
Read MoreComing Soon: Our Unique Influencer Collaboration
The AAE is taking an innovative step that promises to transform how the public views the importance of endodontists in the world of oral health. We’re collaborating with a hugely…
Read MoreComing Soon to a Screen Near You: Dr. Hirschberg Set to Embark on Satellite Media Tour on Oct. 13
Joining your airwaves soon! AAE President Dr. Craig S. Hirschberg will take part in a multitude of TV and radio news interviews nationwide from a studio in New York City…
Read MoreSave the Date for Save Your Tooth Month!
Attention, Legion of Tooth Saving Superheroes! In a world where citizens are often looking to upgrade to the newest gadget, Save Your Tooth Month aims to value the irreplaceable –…
Read MoreMatters of Head, Heart and Oral Health
Arguably the sweetest month of the year, February is Healthy Heart Month. Not surprising — as doilies and Valentines abound, the universal shape of affection reminds us to love ourselves…
Read MoreThis February, Consider Another Aspect of Children’s Oral Health: The Root Canal Treatment
When it comes to the dental health of our children, the public tends to often think about avoiding sugar and cavities; brushing and flossing regularly; whether their children need braces;…
Read MoreMajor Morning News Shows and Cable Networks to Air Special Message From AAE President During the Week of Sept. 19!
AAE President Dr. Stefan I. Zweig recorded two PSAs featuring key Worth Saving messaging that are set to air on several major networks — and during major morning TV shows…
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