Retreatment of Bioceramic Sealer-Obturated Canals
By Dr. Jianing (Jenny) He Calcium silicate-based bioceramic sealers have been growing in popularity in the last 15 years. According to a recent survey, 49% of the AAE members and…
Read MoreCan Calcium Silicate-Based Sealer Cases Be Retreated?
By Ji Wook Jeong, DMD, MSD Since Larry Hench described the potential use of silica in medicine in 1971 due to its biocompatibility, a variety of silicate-based materials have been…
Read MoreIs Retreatment Always Necessary Before Endodontic Surgery?
By Adham A. Azim BDS, DDS ”Retreatment first before surgery!” A statement that is still preached during endodontic training and carried from one endodontic generation to the other. The justification…
Read MoreHindsight is 20/20 and Second Chances are Divine
An 82-year-old white female presented with chief complaint of “I still have a dull ache in that tooth six months after I had the root canal done.” The patient reports mild throbbing ache from tooth no. 15. No swelling or deep probing depths noted. Occlusion was check and no interferences or other malocclusion noted.
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