Brand NEW
After more than a year of extensive research and planning, the AAE unveiled its new brand at AAE16 in San Francisco. The elements of the new brand – including a new logo and refreshed website – will help the AAE better represent the smart, professional, collaborative and innovative nature of AAE members and the endodontic specialty overall.
The Purpose
While the Association and the specialty have undergone vast transformations over the years, the AAE logo has changed very little since its creation more than 52 years ago. Though there is strength in its longevity, the AAE brand needs to stay current in order to connect with all of our audiences and reflect the innovation of the specialty. The AAE embarked on a strategic rebranding effort in early 2015 that aimed to develop a contemporary and professional brand for the Association, and set standards for applying the brand identity across all channels, products and services.
The Process
The AAE’s Special Committee on Quality Improvement oversaw the rebranding initiative. In partnership with an agency that specializes in brand development, the committee began evaluating perceptions of the AAE. This research phase involved soliciting member feedback through an online survey (sent to all members in July 2015), examining the results of past member needs surveys, and interviewing the AAE’s leadership and staff. Through this process, it was discovered that the AAE brand was viewed as “old fashioned” and lacking uniqueness. Improving the Association’s relevancy and heightening the public’s awareness of endodontists also emerged as priorities.
The Benefits
Through the rebranding initiative, four prominent characteristics of the AAE and its members became apparent – smart, professional, collaborative and innovative. These attributes now serve as the foundation for the brand, and will guide the AAE’s communications and portrayal of its members and the specialty from now on. Introducing a new brand also provides opportunities to strengthen the AAE’s position as a leading global resource for endodontic knowledge, research and education, as well as to enhance the public reputation of endodontists.
The Outcomes, Part 1: New Logo
The most visible result of the rebranding effort is the new AAE logo. Though the design is contemporary, the logomark honors the AAE logos of the past with its circle shapes and acronym within the final blue circle. The three circles convey a sense of moving forward, echoing the specialty’s momentum and progress. The new logotype also was chosen carefully. The lowercase acronym and text communicate a friendly and welcoming community, while the serif font for the word “endodontists” conveys experience and authority
The Outcomes, Part 2: Refreshed Website
The AAE website has a new look, including a customized entry portal that asks visitors to identify themselves as patient or endodontist/dental professional before entering the site. Patients will be directed to a homepage that highlights the AAE’s patientfocused webpages, videos and other frequently accessed content. While these patient pages already are the most-visited areas on the AAE website, the new setup will make it even easier for patients to find accurate, easy-to-understand information on such topics as dental symptoms, endodontic treatments and procedures, and the advantages of seeing an endodontist.
The Future
Armed with the new brand, the AAE will roll out new products and programs that enhance endodontic education, facilitate professional development and promote the expertise of endodontists. A new communications strategy is in development that will further define the AAE’s voice and enable the organization to execute consistent communications to clearly defined audiences across all of its channels.
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