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2024 General Assembly and District Caucus Meetings

The General Assembly is the AAE's annual business meeting. Hear reports from AAE leaders, vote on important changes to the Constitution and Bylaws, and see the installation of new officers and Board members.

District Caucuses meet the day prior to the General Assembly to hear updates from District Directors, Appoint District Caucus Nominating Committees, and discuss issues of regional interest.

General Assembly Agenda

Attend the General Assembly

The General Assembly will take place on Friday, April 19, from 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. in Los Angeles. This is where voting members will hear reports and updates and see the installation of new officers and Board members.

Full information on AAE24 and the schedule of events can be found on the AAE24 website.

General Assembly Only Pass Request

Members are able to request a complimentary General Assembly Only Pass to attend in-person at the AAE24 meeting in Chicago by emailing by March 27, 2024. If you are already registered for the AAE24 meeting, the General Assembly is included in the full registration package and you do not need to request a separate General Assembly pass. The pass will only allow access to attend the General Assembly in-person for AAE24. Should a member want to attend continuing education courses or the exhibit hall, a full registration must be purchased. Those requesting a General Assembly Only Pass agree and accept the AAE24 Registration Terms & Conditions.

District Caucus Meetings

District Caucus meetings will take place on Thursday, April 18 from 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. in the Los Angeles Convention Center, West Building, Petree Hall D.  

Attend your Caucus meetings to hear updates from your District Directors, welcome incoming Directors, and discuss issues of interest in your district.  

Districts II, IV, V and VI will appoint District Caucus Nominating Committees to nominate Directors to begin terms in 2025. A standardized process has been developed for Districts to utilize in making nominations this cycle: 

District Nominations Process