AAE History
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A compilation of historical material about the specialty and the AAE, gathered from the Headquarters, members, institutions, and others, is now available to members.
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75th Anniversary Video
Watch our 75th anniversary video celebrating important milestones in the American Association of Endodontists.
Thank you to Dr. Leif K. Bakland for providing these photos of Edgar D. Coolidge. Dr. Coolidge was a visionary and pioneer in the field of dentistry and endodontics.
Explore This Section:
AAE History Video
Learn about the fascinating history and accomplishments of the AAE.
Charter Membership
We honor the original and founding members of our Association.
Enrique C. Aguilar
Harry Albert
Maxie M. Alexander
A. Floyd Anderson
L. Pierce Anthony
Morris B. Auerbach
Walter P. Auslander
G.P. Bannister
John D. Barab
I.B. Bender
Sophia Bolotny
N. Weir Burkman
Lester R. Cahn
Charles N. Conat
Edgar D. Coolidge
C.D. Crockett
J. Hobson Crook
W. Clyde Davis
Paul T. Dawson
Truman G. DeWitt
Clifton O. Dummett
Irwin A. Epstein
L. Irving Epstein
George G. Fineman
Raymond L. Girardot
S.D. Green
Louis I. Grossman
George C. Hare
Ramond L. Hayes
George T. Haymaker
Pedro E. Henriquez
O.C. High
Maynard K. Hine
John H. Hospers
William B. Ingersoll
Elmer A. Jasper
Harry B. Johnston
Henry Kahn
J. Henry Kaiser
Robert G. Kesel
Saul Levy
George W. Lorenz
Laurence A. Lucas
G.R. Lundquist
O.J. McCormack
Albert D. Maizels
Harold A. Maxmen
Benjamin W. Meiman
Douglas A. Meinig
George E. Meinig
Vincent B. Milas
P. Sidney Neuwirth
Joseph J. Obst
John R. Pear
Hyman H. Pearson
William A. Peschelt
J.R. Pharr
Samuel M. Rafish
J.W. Ritter
Samuel M Robbins
Percy J. Ross
Arthur R. Sample
Carl W. Sawyer
William M. Schiff
Milton Schwartz
George C. Sharp
Louis C. Siegel
D.G. Simmons
Ralph F. Sommer
Thomas C. Starshak
A.T. Thorson
E.G. Van Valey
Geroge W. Vaughn
Harold I. Walcott
Charles M. White
Morton F. Yates
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