Maxillary Sinusitis of Endodontic Origin
Endodontic infections that develop in the maxillary posterior teeth can easily spread into the maxillary sinuses causing pathological effects that frequently go unrecognized by both patients and clinicians alike. Failure to diagnose and properly manage these endodontic infections can lead to symptomatic sinus disease, defined as maxillary sinusitis of endodontic origin (MSEO).
Read MoreOur Future is Bright
Last month’s President’s message outlined changes to specialty status that can negatively affect the practice of endodontics. This month, I would like to present a more positive perspective, my belief that the future of endodontics looks great.
Read MoreCongratulations to 2018 Endodontic Educator Fellow Dr. Annie Shrestha
The Foundation for Endodontics firmly believes the strength of the specialty starts from strong educational opportunities. One way the Foundation works hard to keep the specialty relevant and on the cutting edge is by its commitment to ensuring specialists teach endodontics at dental institutions across the United States and Canada. The Endodontic Educator Fellowship Award is one of the Foundation’s flagship funding opportunities and directly addresses this issue.
Read MoreLife Member Dr. Bruce Seidberg Elected to AADB Board
Congratulations to life AAE member Dr. Bruce Seidberg for being elected secretary for the American Association of Dental Boards at the recent AADB meeting in Chicago.
Read MoreDigital Outreach by the Numbers – September 2018
Through the AAE website, social media channels, online advertising and digital resources, the Association educates the public about endodontics, helping them find specialists in their area, and provides shareable content for members and other dental professionals.
Read MoreHow to File a Disability Income Insurance Claim
Insurance is one of those things in life that you buy and hope to never use. Disability income insurance is one of the primary insurances that you really hope not to have to use. And yet, should that day ever come, you’ll be happy you bought it.
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