Why Do You Give Back?
As the holiday season approaches, you may find yourself inundated with requests to give your time, talent or money. You may feel desensitized to these requests. This may cause you to ponder this question: why does one give in today’s world? Some give because they are moved by an emotional commercial on the television. Some give because they feel passionate about their school. Some give because they are a member of a place of worship. You may feel a sense of duty. You may give to check a box. Maybe you give in honor of a mentor or a cause that has impacted you or a family member. Personally, I give of my time, talent, and money because I feel blessed, and paying forward my blessings is an important aspect of my life. Furthermore, you may wonder why, specifically, I give of my time, talent, and money to the Foundation. I gave to the Foundation for the first time by the request of one of my mentors, Dr. Shep Goldstein. He asked me to support our specialty by giving $2,000 to the Foundation and reminded me that an endodontist needs to support endodontics if we want to perpetuate our specialty. By supporting endodontic research, the Foundation is one of the reasons why endodontics has been continually recertified as a specialty.
As endodontists, we are uniquely positioned to give of our time, talent, and money. Many of us work four days a week and have the luxury to curate our schedules to accommodate family, fun, or volunteerism. We have talents to share with our child’s first grade classroom or serving as a trustee for the Foundation for Endodontics. Many of us are blessed with a generous income through our specialty. Once established, we are typically able to support philanthropic endeavors that speak to our interests and hearts. I encourage you as endodontists, as leaders in your community, to pay it forward. Get involved, whether it may be at your child’s school, your local food bank, your place of worship, or your local summer swim team. Give to what matters in your life. As a very important aspect in all of our lives, I challenge you to give back to the specialty that offers you many blessings in life. As H. Jackson Brown Jr. reminds us, “remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” Happy Holidays and cheers to a blessed New Year!