The Foundation Supports Residents
The weekend of August 19 was a busy one for the Foundation. We were thrilled to join the Association and welcome over 300 endodontic residents to our hometown, Chicago!
Six of those resident attendees are current Foundation Resident Expert Advisory Council (REACH) members. REACH is an opportunity for residents to learn about organized dentistry and develop their potential to become future leaders. Additionally, these council members aid the Foundation in understanding how it can better serve and engage a new generation of endodontists.

REACH serves as:
- Advisors: Serve in an advisory capacity to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees
- Ambassadors: Share the Foundation's message with other endodontic residents
- Advocates: Support endodontic residents
- Volunteers: Demonstrate a spirit of service within the dental school and community
Prior to their meeting in Chicago, they enjoyed an evening at Flight Club where they got to know one another. During their meeting on Friday morning, they discussed:
- Resident engagement, needs, and leadership opportunities
- Access to Care efforts (international and domestic)
- Communications and Marketing
The Foundation encourages first-year residents to apply for REACH! The deadline for applications is November 1. This is your chance to serve as an advisor to Board, as an ambassador for the Foundation, and an advocate for the specialty, all while networking with your colleagues from different institutions.
The rest of the weekend marked the Annual Program in Clinical Endodontics Symposium, a weekend-long intensive for AAE Resident members and new practitioners, curated by fellow resident and new practitioner colleagues. The programming targeted the needs of future endodontists, while allowing plenty of time for fellowship and networking! Foundation President Dr. Margot Kusienski sat on a panel of leaders to share the Foundation’s initiatives and encourage residents to get involved. Staff member Ms. Cassie Rotolo took the stage to share grants and scholarships made available by the Foundation.

The Foundation was proud to be listed among a variety of sponsors of the meeting, which makes the event completely free to residents. When residents checked in, they were greeted by Foundation staff with information about funding opportunities and gifted a copy of Successful Anesthesia for Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics. Providing a free copy of the textbook is in line with the educational and research goals of the Foundation, and the book distribution happens annually. Our goal is to be a resource to endodontic residents every step of the way!